The term “civil litigation” actually involves cases of a wide variety and breadth. A few examples of these cases might be helpful for the public to understand the sort of civil cases Mr. Morrow has handled.
Construction Disputes
He has been involved in cases of negligent site design and construction for homeowners against developers, contractors, and public officials charged with site inspection and enforcement of building codes. Mr. Morrow’s background in site design, architecture, and construction make him uniquely qualified to handle such cases.
He has been involved in cases like that of a retail furniture dealer contesting the actions of a furniture manufacturer and the improper seizure of that dealer’s funds by the manufacturer. Mr. Morrow took the bad results of the furniture dealer’s prior trial attorney and turned the case around on appeal and allowed his client to walk away with a significant cash recovery.
Probate, Criminal Representation, and Civil Litigation, All In One Case With Multiple Parties
He has been involved in cases such as the one where heirs of an estate found themselves in litigation with a minority shareholder in a corporation in which the estate held a majority of the corporate shares. Such a case involved multiple claims, eight different attorneys, three separate courts, and probate, civil, and criminal law.
He has handled proceedings in probate court where heirs were trying to protect the estate of a loved one from degradation at the hands of that same loved one due to dementia or Alzheimers. These probate court proceedings have often involved estates of significant value.
He has handled real estate litigation wherein he was tasked with setting aside the purchase of land based on the fraud of the seller. Such litigation had a successful outcome.
He has enforced the covenants of neighborhood associations when a homeowner violated those covenants. The entanglements and complexity of restrictive covenants are not alien to Mr. Morrow.
The many, many different cases that Mr. Morrow has handled that would fall into the category of “civil litigation” are too varied and too numerous to describe in detail. The above descriptions should give a feeling for the sorts of cases he has handled and will handle.
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