Alex H. Morrow is 64 years of age. He is married to Pat Morrow. He has one child, a son, Tucker Morrow, who is currently 30 years of age. Mr. Morrow was born in Kansas, but was brought to Warner Robins, Ga., by his father and mother in 1957 and he has been a resident of the middle Georgia area consistently since, except for stints in college and law school. His grandfather was the city judge in Ellaville, Ga. His father, Marvin T. Morrow, was an attorney in Warner Robins, Ga.
Mr. Morrow graduated from Warner Robins High School in Warner Robins, Ga. He graduated twice from the University of Georgia. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Georgia where he majored in Political Science. He also has a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree from the University of Georgia. Mr. Morrow obtained his law degree from Walter F. George School of Law. He passed the professional licensing exams to be both a lawyer and a landscape architect. His major in political science left him well-grounded in sociology, psychology, philosophy, and government. His doctorate in Landscape Architecture left him well-grounded in civil engineering, large-scale land planning and site design, site grading, architecture, drafting, graphics, and construction techniques. His experience in the practice of law for twenty-seven years has made him into a veteran litigator and well-rounded, very experienced attorney.

Mr. Morrow is an avid hunter and fisherman. He is an ardent conservationist and woodsman. He has specialized in the past in designing wildlife habitats while landscaping with native plant materials. He volunteered his time to the organization “Save Oaky Woods, Inc.” where he acted as counsel for the organization and, in fact, incorporated the organization. He was an officer in the corporation and he was also an active participant in the community activities that gave the effort public exposure. He takes great pride in having been of assistance in prompting the state of Georgia to set aside for generations to come the public recreation area still called Oaky Woods.
Mr. Morrow and his wife are gardeners. They enjoy raising heirloom vegetables. Pat Morrow has a well-deserved reputation in the community for her unique vegetables and the delicious jams and jellies she makes from local fruits.
Alex H. Morrow serves the people of Warner Robins, Centerville and Perry, Georgia, as well as the surrounding middle Georgia area, including cities of Macon, Forsyth, Gray, Jeffersonville, Fort Valley, Dublin and Byron. Clients come from Houston County, Peach County, Bibb County, Monroe County, Jones County, Macon County, Crawford County, Dooley County, Wheeler County, Twiggs County, and other counties throughout Georgia.